Plants, the human body, animals, the sea, storms, volcanos, food groups, plants, rocks, clouds,
forests, glaciers(ice), deserts, stars, planets, astronauts,, Earth(inside and outside), machines,
dinosaurs, sound and vibrations, chemical reactions(vinegar and baking soda), reading labels(may
also be used fro language arts), computers, constelations, muscels, temperatures, graphing(may
also be used in math - art puzzles).
Schedule an entire month around a theme. Then plan out the individual weeks. Use this to plan out the individual days.
Monthly Theme: PlantsWeek #1: How plants grow and what they do.Week #2: Parts of plantsWeek #3: Flowers and treesWeek #4: Edible plantsWeek #1: How Plants grow and what they do.Monday: The sunTuesday: WaterWednesday: absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off oxygenThursday: Supplies needed to grow plantsFriday: Planting a gardenWeek #2: Parts of a PlantMonday: RootsTuesday: Stems, branches or trunksWednesday: LeavesThursday: Blossoms or fruitFriday: Leaf rubbingsWeek #3: Flowers and treesMonday: Garden FlowersTuesday: Tropical FlowersWednesday: Trees(local)Thursday: Trees(in other states)Friday: Flowering trees and bushes
Week #4: Edible PlantsMonday: Grown above ground(green beans, peas)Tuesday: Grown on the ground(strawberries, pumpkin)Wednesday: Grown below ground(potatoes, carrots)Thursday: Grown in trees(apples, oranges, avocados, lemons)Friday: Tasting table of edible plants