Top Cat:
There is a chart with pockets on it. Each pocket has a number from 1 - ? according to how many children are in the class and a few extra.(incase new students are added. Write each child's name on the top of an index card(3x5). If more than one person has the same name, add the last initial. The top pocket says Top Cat. The object of the game is to have the card with your name on it in the Top Cat pocket.- The first time played, the teacher is the Top Cat leader. Flash cards are used, usually addition or subtraction(2-3 grade). Two children stand up together in front of the room or near the chart. The teacher holds up a flash card. The one who guesses it correctly first gets his/her card moved up one space on the chart. The other child's card is placed in the last pocket. The winner then competes against the next child in line(order is decided on the order the pockets are in).
This is done until all the children have had a turn and one child if in the Top Cat position. After the first time through, the rules are basically the same. The bottom 2 children start off. The winner moves up one to the losers space or stays put so as not to move back. You only move back if you lose to someone behind you. You go in this way until everyone has had a turn, including the Top Cat person. If they answer correctly enough times, they will have a chance to be Top Cat. This game can be played a couple times a week and as a reward. The kids really enjoy it. Limit the game to once through or 20 - 30 minutes which ever comes first.
Math Rockets:Rules:
1. Students must remain seated(sitting on their pockets) except during their turn.2. When the last one on each team completes his or her turn, the whole team put their heads down on their desks indicating that the team is finished.
3. They must exit and reenter their chair from the right to avoid collisions, otherwise, the turn is forfeited.4. They may not tell their fellow team members the answers.5. I order to have an even amount of participants per team. Each round, some teams may need to have one of their team members take two turns.Game:
1. Put a number from 0 to 4 in the circles above the rockets. Every circle has the same number in the circle.2. When the teacher says "go" the first person on each team runs up to the chalkboard and puts the answer next to the equals sign on the first number on the rocket.
3. That person returns to his/her seat and when he/she if seated (and only when the first person is seated) then the second person on the team goes to the board to answer the second equation. This procedure is repeated until every problem on the rocket has been solved. The team to have their heads down first and to have all of the problems solved correctly received one point.4. Repeat this activity, change the number in the circle at the top and starting down the row one person further each time until the activity seems to be losing its charm or is out of control.5. Keep track of score. The winning team gets a reward. In the event of a tie, both teams receive a reward(be prepared).Variation: this works only after they are practiced up by doing the easier version. One student solves all the equations on the rocket for each team( start with the first person in the row). The team receives a point after each turn according to who finishes first.
One rocket is created for each row.. Cut out squares with the numbers 0 - 9 for each rocket. For each game, use the same set of 5 numbers. = is written out to the side of each rocket on the board. A circle is drawn above the rocket. A number is written in the circle only when ready to play the game. Have children lay their heads down and not look until ready. In the rocket is the number to add, subtract multiply or divide by, Example: 3+5 3+7 3+8 3+6 3+9.The number squares can be changed as they learn the math problems, but should be the same set of 5 numbers on each rocket in a different order.The rockets could be done like:(O represents the circle at the top).O O O O O5= 8= 9= 7= 8=9= 5= 8= 6= 7=6= 9= 6= 5= 9=8= 7= 5= 9= 6=7= 6= 7= 8= 5=
Bird Song:
Have pictures of birds around the room. Play a tape with the song of birds on iot. Have them try to guess which song goes with which bird. Then have them make up words to the birds song.
Example: My grandfather used this one -Mountain Meadowlark - Springville is a pretty little town.
Magpie - Yack, yack, talk back, talk back. This can also be done with animal sounds.